Notice Regarding Student Records

UPDATE Public Notice Regarding Release of Student Records
Posted on 02/09/2016
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Judge Changes Course on Student Data Discovery Protocol

On March 1, federal District Court Judge Kimberly Mueller modified an earlier order and determined that records containing the information of some 10 million California students will not be provided outright to the attorneys involved in a statewide special education lawsuit (Morgan Hill Concerned Parents Association v. California Department of Education). Instead, the database containing the records will remain in the sole custody of the California Department of Education (CDE). CDE must assist the plaintiffs’ attorneys in searching the database for information. The judge also reiterated that no personally identifiable information of any student may be released to the plaintiffs’ attorneys unless they demonstrate to the satisfaction of the court that a secure method will be used to store the data. Click here for full legal alert memo.

Common Questions and Answers:
Disclosure of Student Records~16-03 OPAD Attachment (1).pdf
Disclosure of Student Records~16-03 OPAD (1) (1).pdf Two organizations filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Education (CDE) in April 2012. As part of this lawsuit, the court has ordered CDE to share data that contain personally identifiable student information. A protective order prohibits the use of this confidential information outside the context of this lawsuit; no student’s identifying records will be disclosed to the public. CDE is obligated to inform parents/students that the court has ordered it to produce documents and/or data that includes students’ personally identifiable information and that parents/students may object directly to the court regarding this disclosure. CDE is requesting that school districts post the following link to CDE’s website
through April 1, 2016. The link includes:

  • A copy of the Court’s order

  • An objection form that parents may send by U.S. Mail to the United States District Court in Sacramento, if they do not want their student’s data shared by CDE

Korean: O-003248 Morgan Hill Case Korean.pdfO-003248 CDE website Korean.pdfO-003248 District website Korean.pdf

Información pertinente a estudiantes con discapacidades:

Dos organizaciones presentaron una demanda judicial contra el Departamento de Educación de California (CDE) en abril de 2012. Como parte de esta demanda, la corte ha ordenado a CDE que revele datos que contiene información que identifica personalmente a estudiantes. Una Orden de Protección prohíbe el uso de esta información confidencial fuera del contexto de esta demanda judicial; ningún registro o documento de identificación estudiantil será divulgada al público. CDE tiene la obligación de informar a padres/estudiantes que la corte le ha ordenado a proveer documentos y/o datos que incluye información que identifica personalmente a los estudiantes y que los padres/estudiantes pueden objetar directamente a la corte con respeto a esta divulgación.  CDE le ha pedido a los distritos escolares que publiquen el siguiente enlace en el sitio web de CDE hasta el 1 de abril de 2016.  El enlace incluye:

  • Una copia de la orden judicial

  • Una Forma de Objeción que los padres pueden enviar por correo a United States District Court  (Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos) en Sacramento, si se oponen a la divulgación de la información de sus estudiantes por CDE.