Program Improvement

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 requires all states to create academic standards and to annually review the performance of each school district and school that receives funds from the Federal government.  A school can be identified for program improvement (PI) if for each of two consecutive years the school does not meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and/or does not meet the targets for specific groups of students.  The AYP areas that caused the identification are English/language arts and mathematics scores for specific targeted sub-groups.  A copy of the Accountability Progress Report(s) may be obtained from the school or on the California Department of Education AYP Web page at

All parents/guardians of students attending a PI school have the right to request a transfer of their student to a non-PI District school.  Priority will be given to students in most financial need and with the lowest academic achievement.  The District will provide transportation to the non-PI school for as long as the home school continues to be identified as a PI school.  If you are interested in transferring your student to a non-PI school in the District for the 2015/16 school year, you may request a transfer permit from the office of your current school.

In addition, students attending schools identified for PI may quality for Supplemental Educational Services (SES) tutoring outside the regular school day free of charge.  You may request an application for a transfer and/or SES tutoring services, by contacting Steve Zamora, Director of Educational Services at 714/870-2875 or by email at [email protected].  The non-program improvement schools are Sunny Hills and La Habra High Schools.  

All forms can be found below, at the front office of your current school of residence, or requested from the phone number and email address above.